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Latest Review
I should have taken the fact that she wasn't kissing at the moment as a warning sign, but she looked lovely in the photos so I went ahead with the booking... She didn't look anything like the photos, she is a lot older and isn't as slim... but I was there so decided to go ahead with the booking. We undressed and then she informed me I wasn't allowed to touch her boobs as they were sensitive! At that point I very nearly asked for my money back and wanted to leave; but I felt if I did she would refuse and then we have 30 mins of awkwardness... but I ploughed ahead. OWO is listed on her profile and I mentioned this as she picked up a protection and she paused and threw the protection away and commenced one of the worst bj I've ever had. The s** was underwhelming but I was there and committed so put in the effort. She got close to a climax but I had to stop for a rest (I am not a machine) and there was a noticeable grunt of annoyance as I wasn't able to make her cum! All in all a deeply unpleasant experience; avoid...Read More