Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! I’m going to be late if I don’t get out of here. I got a call earlier and I have a date tonight with a guy I love spending time with. He’s older. Well, a lot older, but that doesn’t bother me. He’s entertaining, sweet and, best of all, very, very generous. That’s why I always make an extra effort and it’s always why I’m about to scream because it’s taken so long to decide what to wear.
He’s taking me to the theatre and then an after party with some of the cast. Apparently, it’s a very exclusive event, so I wanted to look just right. I’m so lucky because he often takes me to these sorts of events. It makes me feel special and in turn, I make sure he feels extra special. He loves it when I look my best so he can show me off and impress his friends. It’s so cute.
I spent ages in the bath. I exfoliated my skin to make it silky smooth and touched up areas that needed a bit of extra attention down below (if you know what I mean!). I used my favourite body lotion. It not only makes me smell delicious but it gives my skin a beautiful glow. As I stepped out of the bath, I took a good look at myself in the mirror. I do yoga and work out almost every day. It’s important in my line of work that I take care of my body and it shows. I gazed at my flat stomach and long lean legs and turned to admire my pert and toned bum. I’m almost 30 (gulp!) but I look better than I did when I was 18.
I jiggled my boobs at the mirror just to remind myself that some things do defy gravity and then I laughed. Maybe in a few years, I’ll get some work done to help them but for now, they are fabulously perfect. “Damn”, I thought to myself, “If I were into blondes, I’d fancy me”. I continued to smile to myself as I walked naked into the bedroom and thought about what to wear. Of course, a girl has to start with her undergarments and they are just as important on a fun date as everything else.
I searched through my lovely knicker and bra sets and settled on one that is a mixture of silver thread and black lace. The bra is underwired and designed to give me a sumptuous cleavage as well as the ability to wear a very low cut dress without it showing. The knickers are a mixture of Victorian sexy but with a thong at the back. I give myself a once over and feel satisfied. The next thing I do is pull out about a million dresses from my wardrobe and start to try them on one by one.
“Ugh. This one’s too tight. Not the look I’m wanting tonight.” I move on to the next, throwing them on a chair next to my bed as I find a reason not to wear one after the other. I finally get to a dress I haven’t worn in a while. It’s a deep cobalt blue and beautifully tailored to my body. It shows just enough but not too much and when I make the decision to wear it, I feel a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I choose a pair of high skin tone stilettos that make my legs look achingly long and then I take the dress off again to put on my makeup. I always do that because I tend to end up getting something on my dress if I don’t. Luckily this dress has a zip up back that I can reach, so I can step into it as easily as I can slip out of it without worrying about messing up my hair.
My hair! I nearly forgot. I had decided to put it into a little up do so that it shows off my slender neck. Going to go for an old time glam look. A pair of drop earrings and a pretty gemstone necklace do just the job of drawing the eye to the valley between my breasts. I decided to go low key with the makeup. My date always says he loves women with a more natural look, though he still seems to love it when I vamp it up, but tonight I’ll be mixing with real actors and actresses and I don’t want to look like I’m trying to compete. A little bit of eye liner, mascara, a dash of bronzer to give me a lift and some demure, but rich looking, pink lipstick. For the second time, I give myself the once over in the mirror. Now I’m standing in my high heels, underwear, freshly made up face and jewellery. “Wow! Someone is a lucky boy tonight.”
As I stepped into my dress and zipped it up, I looked at my phone. And that’s when I started panicking. Fortunately, a black cab is passing just as I head out the door and I scramble in. The driver, clearly pleased at picking me up, starts chatting away to me. I’m glad because it calms my nerves about being late. I explain that I’m worried and he uses all his driverly skills to make sure I make it just on time. Phew.
My date is waiting for me just inside the reception doors and smiles like a Cheshire cat when he sees me. “Hello beautiful”, he whispers in my ear as I lean in to kiss him on the cheek. He takes my hand and proudly places it in the crook of my arm as he leads me to our excellent seats. The play is funny and rude and I laugh loudly at times. He, on the other hand, can’t stop being distracted by my slightly exposed thighs and strokes the one closest to him gently throughout, looking over at me and nuzzling my neck from time to time.
We do the rounds at the after party and my date enjoys watching the other men glance over and catching them attempt to flirt when they think he isn’t paying attention. This is always one of his favourite parts of our dates. He’s not much of a drinker so when things start getting a bit too lively, he makes his excuses and we exit. As on our other dates, he drives me to his quite enormous home in a highly desirable street near Hampstead Heath and asks me in for a ‘nightcap’, which we both know is code for something completely different.
We have a routine that he loves once he gets inside. He takes great pleasure in watching me undress and then he likes to get me to pose in different part of his beautiful home while he takes photos. I’m always in my underwear and I know he loves to look at them when he’s alone, so I don’t mind. He says he just enjoys looking at beautiful things. He tells me he’s been married three times, but all of his wives left him, so it’s just him in this big house.
After the photos, we head up to his room, where he has some furniture he enjoys watching me bend over. From there he’ll usually pull my knickers down around my ankles and spank me with a paddle or his hand. He doesn’t do it hard. Just enough, as he says ‘to bring up the rosy complexion’. After that, he gets undressed and does exactly what he says he likes to do…enjoys something beautiful. He’s a gentleman and has a number of toys that he brings out to make sure that I enjoy myself too. He’s the perfect model for a great date.
He has a thing about me leaving before midnight. I dress. He kisses me on the cheek, orders me a cab and hands me an envelope with a very, very appreciated and generous gift. He really should run some sort of school for men in ‘How to get the most out of a date with a beautiful woman’. Men who appreciate their dates definitely get appreciated in return. Treat a lady right and she will make it so worth your while. Words to the wise.